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The Fakedex

The Fakedex is just a fake Pokedex for the 100 new pokemon in the fake new reigion (titled Hiyah).  Right now, I am just posting a few, probably just the starters.  You're gonna notice some PRETTY odd types as the fakedex expands.
Organization:Name of pokemon(name origin)type(s) of pokemon, evolutionary path and requirements, short description
More details for them will be added in the future.  So, here it is:

1: Robotman(robot+man)Grass+Fruit Snack, Robotman->Robotcat(lv.16)->Littlefishythingy (lv.32), a fat robot with high defense, it is a primary choice for most Trainers, especially with its highly prized Fruit Snack type.  Unfortunately, all who have evolved it to its final form have regretted doing so.

2: Robotcat(robot+cat)Grass+Fruit Snack, Robotman->Robotcat(lv.16)->Littlefishythingy(lv.32), a cute, miniature version of Robotman, with much lower defense.  If anybody trains it much more, it is likely this pokemon will get abandoned.

3: Littlefishythingy(Little+fishy+thingy)Grass+Fruit Snack, Robotman->Robotcat(lv.16)->Littlefishythingy(lv.32), a basically worthless fish, it loses all abilities upon evolution.  Its only attack is to cry, sometimes with great force, but horrible accuracy.

4: Orange(derived from the word "orange", as in the fruit)Fire+Flying, Orange->Speckle(lv.14)->Grapefruit(lv.36), an orange with eyes and a beak, although it has no wings, it is obvious how this creature flies.  It can expand in battle.

5: Speckle(for the speckle-like imprints on the orange fruit)Fire+Flying, Orange->Speckle(lv.14)->Grapefruit(lv.36), once Orange masters flying, it will likely burst out into its orange-filled shell and emerge as this pokemon.  Its speckled belly looks somewhat like an orange.

6: Grapefruit(derived from the word "grapefruit")Fire+Flying, Orange->Speckle(lv.14)->Grapefruit(lv.36), the fully-grown Orange, unlike Speckle, it has spots all over its feathers and skin.  It is considered a majestic sight by most.

7: Towlet(derived from the word "towlet")Water+Paper, Towlet->Capeco(lv.16)->Waticia(lv.36), a demon disguised as a mere tissue, it overtime grows into it.  It is able to attack with great stealth.

8: Capeco (cape+random word)Water+Paper, Towlet->Capeco(lv.16)->Waticia(lv.36), when the outer tissue on Towlet has been outgrown, it turns into a stylish cape, thus creating this pokemon.  Though not quite as stealthy as its first form, it is faster overall, and better-looking.

9: Waticia(water+tissue(modified))Water, Towlet->Capeco(lv.16)->Waticia(lv.36), although not nearly as papery as its earlier forms, it makes up for this with sheer strength and extreme stealth.  It is not very stylish.

More will be coming up as time goes by.  I'll work on a type comparison chart sometime in the future for all of those weird types(there's over 20 new types O.o).   If you have any type of suggestions for the region(NOT taking new pokemon, gyms, gym leaders, IS taking fakedex data modification ideas, new moves), then I'll be happy to see if they'll work out well, just PM me.

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